Ok, for those of you who have a hard time planning meals through out the week, I found the solution. A friend of mine told me about e-mealz. You pick whatever store you want to shop at and it will make you a meal plan, give you recipes, AND make your shopping list for you. It's awesome! Just go to
www.e-mealz.com to find out more.
The biggest thing going on this week is that Lauren has been sick. She had been running a fever for a couple days, but had no other symptoms. All of a sudden her fever sky rocketed to 105.4. Talk about scary! The good thing about this was that for the first time her fever went up without having a febrile siezure! YAY! I was excited! Anyway, after a trip to the pediatrician we found out the she has a bacterial infection and we now have to take an anitbiotic. No problem you think? Well, the medicine is quite nasty smelling and tasting. Try telling an almost three year old that they need to take it because it's good for them! We have been mixing it with ice cream and taking it that way. Even then, there are a few tears. She's a trooper, we will get through this! It's hard to be the mom and make them take stuff you wouldn't take!