Sunday, April 24, 2011


The Easter egg hunt result! 

The eggs that turned out normal! We had some trouble with our color tablets not dissolving. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Book Review

I took a course this past fall on Biblical womanhood and they gave us a list of resources for teaching our children what Biblical womanhood/manhood looks like. This was a book that they recommended for little girls. I bought it a few months ago and have finally had time to read it to Lauren. It is about a King and Queen who receive a gift when their daughter is born. It is a gift of a kiss. A very special kiss. When the princess is old enough they give her the kiss to give to whomever she feels she should. It is a very age appropriate story of purity and how important it is. I was really impressed with it and Lauren is now starting to understand what purity means but on her level.

This is a fun book for little girls about what Godly character is. I had read a children's book review put out by Focus on the Family and they highly recommended this. It has the scripture verse to go along with the different character traits that they talk about in the story. It also puts a big emphasis on the relationship between father and daughter. It's a sweet book! 

Monday, April 18, 2011


These are from Lauren's ballet recital a month or so ago. Sorry it took me so long to put them on here! 

Every little girl needs a 
flower from their daddy
for good luck! 

Pretty in pink...with a beak

Here are a few pictures from "Peter and the Wolf" that Lauren and some of her classmates performed in for our Homeschooling Co op. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Who likes to shop?

I have a mild obsession with etsy and I check throughout the week for new, crafty things. Please take a minute to check out this site.  This is my sister-in-law's etsy shop. She is super talented and does incredible  work!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

This made me laugh because I have had moms who were in labor responding to texts in between contractions.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

If only I could express to you what a great accomplishment it is for me to have figured out how to put things in the sidebar of our blog. I stood up and actually cheered for myself!
I wish that I something exciting to share with you, but life has been a bit blah. Lauren was sick last week with a kidney infection that put her in the ER. After some powerful antibiotics and IV fluids she is doing pretty well now. I'm finding myself watching her like a hawk to make sure she is drinking enough and eating to put back on the weight she lost. Oh, the exciting life of a child who is only in the 25th percentile for weight! Now height on the other hand is like 107th! I feel so boring blogging about my child's illness and body size....
I am being challenged in the homeschooling area this week. Last week we didn't accomplish any school due to Lauren's issues, so we started back full force on Monday. I prayed all weekend  that it would be a smooth transition back into our routine. Monday was great. Yesterday and today...well....everything is a battle. It makes me weary and tired to think about what things are going to be like when she is thirteen. I love her with all my heart but maybe we will be raptured before she hits puberty.........