We had a freak snowstorm here and in between the freezing rain and bitter cold we were able to go play outside for a little while. Lauren had a blast! We have about an inch of ice on our trees and everything else! All night long we kept hearing transformers explode and tree branches crashing down. Our power went out for a little bit, but it came back on after a few hours. We are on our second day at home and I have to say that we are getting cabin fever. You can only play Pretty,Pretty Princess so many times before it gets a little old! I love staying at home and hanging out with the family, but when you are actually stuck, it is different story! Paul had to dig the cars out so he could go back to work. There was some sort of power or phone line that landed on his car so he took mine. We are definitely snowed in! Our temperatures are supposed to stay really cold so this isn't going away any time soon! Sigh..
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