Friday, February 5, 2010


I think I may have conquered the caffiene addiction. No more splitting headache or serious cravings. The day that my headache was the worst, was the day that we ran out of tylonol in our house! I toughed it out and I am glad that I did because going through that much pain is enough to keep me from getting myself hooked again.  Geez, I sound like I've just been through drug rehab! Anyway, during this process I only let myself have diet, caffiene free drinks. I'm hoping I have cut some of my refined sugar addiction, too. It's amazing the things that we don't think are a big deal are really big addictions in our lives! I would have never thought that caffiene was that big of an issue until I went through this.


Tracey said...

Wow...I didn't know caffeine could be that addicting!! I'm glad you have overcome it. :) Way to go!!! I wonder if Lucky Charms has the same hold? If I had to give them up, I'd die. tee hee...

Arthur Family said...

I remember being pregnant and craving captain crunch. It's a wonder Lauren is normal, I ate so much of it!

ginmommy said...

Caffiene is the most addicting drug there is!!! NO JOKE. Quitting is very hard, and I give you props for it!!!

Tracey said...

Love me some Captain crunch too!!