Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A moment in my head...

I wish I had some random funny things to say about the week, but I don't. To be honest, things have been a bit crazy. I blogged earlier about Lauren's medication change. Well, we are slowly weaning off of one and increasing the dose of the other. The outcome at present is that we have the same side effects from the first medication, just not as intense, with extreme hyperness to top it off.   The tough part is she is also going through her four year old stage of trying to practice self control. There has been quite a few tears (from both of us!) and some privileges taken away. Parenting is challenging to begin with, but parenting a child who is on medication that affects her moods is craziness. We are constantly trying to figure out if her behavior is due to medication, epilepsy or just being four.
Please don't think that I'm griping and complaining! Life could be so much worse!  I really shouldn't have anything to be upset about. Our needs are met. My child is living and breathing.  I have come to realize that when I pray I have such a "woe is me" attitude sometimes and that is so wrong! My attitude needs to be one of thankfulness. When I am thankful it doesn't change my circumstances. It radically changes my viewpoint and brings back into the presence of God, where I can find joy.


Tracey said...

Thanks. I needed to hear this today!

Praying for you as a MOM...sometimes it's just hard!!

ginmommy said...

I admire your attitude :) You are strong.