Friday, April 2, 2010


I am so excited to see the sunshine! I love walking aroud without a jacket or a sweatshirt. It's so pretty outside, I'm afraid that it won't stay! We'll probably have some freak storm soon. I'm having a difficult time being positive about our weather. We tend to have windstorms, blizzards, icestroms...heck, let's through in an earthquake!
 I was able to attend another birth on Monday. It was incredible! I picked up a lot of massage business this week. My whole body hurts today! I love my job, but.....ouch! I can say, though, that I can arm wrestle my husband and almost win. If you have seen him, then you know that is quite an accomplishment! :) At least all the massge helps me build up my upper body strength even though I feel like I just worked out 12 times in a row.
 I am really looking forward to focusing on Resurrection Day and family time this weekend. I might just read a fiction novel! I made it! 40 days and no novels. Only in God's strength.  I came close to caving a time or two.

Update on Lauren: We have decided to go ahead and switch her medication. Her side effects from the previous one were not subsiding even though we lowered the dosage as far as we could. It's going to take a few months for us to make the switch. We have to introduce this new medication VERY slowly or it could cause problems. She will be on both medications for a little while. Please pray that she can handle this new medication a little better!

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Praying for Lauren!! Keep us posted. :)

And, I love this weather, too :)