Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Two babies and the flu....

I am so thankful that God answers prayer!  I haven't had a full nights sleep since Thursday, but I am so grateful that there are healthy babies in the world. Friday and Saturday was a marathon thirty five hour labor and delivery. Lauren was sick Sunday and Monday. Bless her heart. It was not a pretty sight, but thankfully very short lived. The whole time I am praying that the other baby would not come until Lauren got  better! God answered that prayer. Tuesday morning (this morning) my other mom is in labor and has the most beautiful, fast labor I have ever been a part of! I am exhausted. God is so good. 

1 comment:

Tracey said...

That's awesome!! I love how you find the good even when some bad things are going on...like the flu! Glad both babies are doing well. :) Also glad Lauren is better!