Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday

I will admit right now that I did not have the disciplne to drag my behind out of bed for our 6:30am Ash Wednesday service this morning. Yes, I know. I am lazy! On a more serious note, I have been praying for a week or so about what God might calling me to do over these next days of lent. Last year I gave up reading novels. It was actually very rewarding because a year later I am not back to reading them at the level that I was. I realized how much unproductive time I spent reading. I am getting more sleep now and have more time. This year, instead of sacrificing something I am going to do somethng. Starting today, Paul and I have committed to memorizing Romans 8 in the next 40 days. This is 39 verses in 40 days. I am not posting this to gloat and say hey, look what we are doing. I am asking for prayer! Prayer that we can actually accomplish it, but also prayer for our hearts and minds to be transformed by it. Sometimes I am so guilty of just memorizing it to say I've memorized it instead of really reflecting upon it. Let the journey begin!  Todays verses are:  "So there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For with  the power of the living spirit you are freed in Christ from the power of sin that brings death."  That should be Romans 8: 1-2.


ginmommy said...

Very cool!!! You can do it.

Tracey said...

Thank you. I needed this tonight. :)