Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Book Review

I took a course this past fall on Biblical womanhood and they gave us a list of resources for teaching our children what Biblical womanhood/manhood looks like. This was a book that they recommended for little girls. I bought it a few months ago and have finally had time to read it to Lauren. It is about a King and Queen who receive a gift when their daughter is born. It is a gift of a kiss. A very special kiss. When the princess is old enough they give her the kiss to give to whomever she feels she should. It is a very age appropriate story of purity and how important it is. I was really impressed with it and Lauren is now starting to understand what purity means but on her level.

This is a fun book for little girls about what Godly character is. I had read a children's book review put out by Focus on the Family and they highly recommended this. It has the scripture verse to go along with the different character traits that they talk about in the story. It also puts a big emphasis on the relationship between father and daughter. It's a sweet book! 


ginmommy said...

Thanks for the reviews! I will look into those :-)

Tracey said...

These sound great!!! Thanks!

Lindsey said...

i babysat a few weeks ago and the little girl had me read the first book you mentioned. i know it was a sweet story and everything but it weirded me out! haha....maybe because i don't have kids. i don't know.