Wednesday, April 6, 2011

If only I could express to you what a great accomplishment it is for me to have figured out how to put things in the sidebar of our blog. I stood up and actually cheered for myself!
I wish that I something exciting to share with you, but life has been a bit blah. Lauren was sick last week with a kidney infection that put her in the ER. After some powerful antibiotics and IV fluids she is doing pretty well now. I'm finding myself watching her like a hawk to make sure she is drinking enough and eating to put back on the weight she lost. Oh, the exciting life of a child who is only in the 25th percentile for weight! Now height on the other hand is like 107th! I feel so boring blogging about my child's illness and body size....
I am being challenged in the homeschooling area this week. Last week we didn't accomplish any school due to Lauren's issues, so we started back full force on Monday. I prayed all weekend  that it would be a smooth transition back into our routine. Monday was great. Yesterday and today...well....everything is a battle. It makes me weary and tired to think about what things are going to be like when she is thirteen. I love her with all my heart but maybe we will be raptured before she hits puberty.........


ginmommy said...

LOVE the new blog look, and congrats on figuring it all out!! Sometimes, it's very frustrating trying to figure all that stuff out! Hey, we all blog about our kids illness, and weight and height, it's not boring, it's just a momma talking about her child!!! Glad Lauren is feeling better, I know that must have been a very scary week!

Laffin's said...

i love the font that you have on here. hang in there. glad lauren is better.

Tracey said...

Glad she is better. It always makes me kind of hyperventilate (sp?) when my kids are sick!! :(

Love the new blog look and you sound like takes me hours to figure stuff like that out. :)