Monday, June 13, 2011

Changes in our household

Most people would say that I am over reacting to the change that is happening around here, but to me it's pretty big. After eight and a half years of night shift Paul got a day shift position. For the first time in eight years I got up and made breakfast for my husband. Tonight I get to make supper for him when he comes home. Does that sound crazy? I've never done it before. I've never had to schedule meals around my husband's work schedule. I'm used to making him lunch when he woke up and sending his supper with him. We have never had to schedule our evenings around anything but Lauren and I.  Paul has never been home on a week night to help put Lauren to bed or say good night to her. When we do an activity on a week night it's mostly me going alone with Lauren and having to explain where my husband is. One of the ballet mom's asked me if I was a single parent one time. Very glad to not have to experience that feeling again!  We are really excited, but there is going to be some adjustment as we find our new normal.


ginmommy said...

I think it's a BIG deal!!! I would be thrilled!!!

Tracey said...

Since Eric is gone in the evenings for the next two years, I know that this is a VERY big deal! I am so excited for you. Yes, there will be adjustments, but mostly for the good!!! Happy Day!