Thursday, May 24, 2012


Ellie turns a year old today! Thank you to all who have been praying. She came through surgery really well. They went in thinking that the cancer had spread from the bladder to her uterus and surrounding girl parts. Praise God that when they biopsied the tissue from those areas they came out tumor free. So no hysterectomy! She has a long road of healing, but seems to be doing really well my sister in law has said. She will have to start the chemo back up soon and finish it  before they go back to rebuild the bladder, Please don't stop praying!

We are getting ready to go to Branson to see my parents for the weekend. I am very glad to be able to catch my breath even if it is only for a few days. When we are home all of the issues that we are facing with foster care are right there in front of our faces. When we get to go away for a few days we can just forget about it for a little while. I hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend!

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