Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mourning the early years...

So, this is going to sound  rather dumb, but my daughter is growing up. We are only three years away from the "tween" years.  She is starting to develop deeper friendships with her friends. I wish I could turn her back into a baby! I decided that I better darn well start preparing myself. Here is what I found that I have thoroughly enjoyed reading and wish that I had started reading when she was younger. It's a lot more than just having "the talk" with your daughter. Both books focus on helping them develop healthy friendships, modesty, helping them to have healthy play while they are little so they will learn how to make good decisions. For so long we felt  helpless in so many areas when it came to parenting a girl.  These books were and still are very helpful!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Busyness and other things

The past month has been crazy! My mom had a knee replacement so Lauren, the baby,  and I went out to Branson to help her for a few weeks. While we were gone Paul got an emergency foster care care placement for a few days. Thankfully everything turned out really well and he is back home with his mom. Amazed at my husband for taking care of a three year old little boy by himself for three days! No that I doubted his ability, it's just that most husbands wouldn't volunteer to do it! Anyway, things are finally calming down a bit and we are trying to get back into our school routine. I have a prayer request for you: While we were in Branson we found out that my nine month old niece has been diagnosed with a rare cancer called rahbdomyo sarcoma. She is going to be undergoing chemo and radiation soon. She has a lot of extenuating circumstances that would take too long to go into, but needless to say she has had a tough go of it since she was born and now she is dealing with this. Please just lift her up in your prayers.  Her name is Ellie.