Monday, April 9, 2012


Paul started a new job today. We have been praying for a new job for awhile. Things with UPS were getting crazy and we had absolutely no family time. So, a few weeks ago God answered our prayer and he was offered a position with a really good distribution company on the south side of Louisville. The bittersweet part about this job is that he will be going back to working nights after he gets through with his orientation. Night shift isn't bad. I'm not complaining. It's the adjustment for Lauren and doing the whole dinner/bedtime thing alone every weeknight. We have done it before and I know that it will be ok. It's the getting through the adjustment part that I am dreading. My prayer for Paul is that this new job will be less stressful. God is control!

Update on foster care: Baby A is growing like a weed and is a really happy, well adjusted little boy. Our next court date is in May. We really aren't sure what is going to happen. They are still trying find and do paternity tests on two potential fathers. In the midst of all of this, birth mom is getting ready to have another baby in the next few weeks. Prayers are that they take this baby or that she really has straightened up and can parent this time. It is a day by day journey around here!