Monday, April 5, 2010


Our Easter Tulips....I couldn't find any Lillies

Getting ready for the Easter egg hunt with our lovely prefilled eggs from Target! Yes, I forgot the the camera for the egg hunt. Yes, I have mommy guilt! 

 The Dress...this dress was big news in our house. My mom found a dress that had a matching doll dress with it. There was a big discussion about leaving the doll in the car when we got to church. Apparently the doll needed to hear that "Jesus is Alive" too. I wish it had been warm enough to go without the sweater because the sleeveless look was really cute. I was really excited that she let me put a pony tail in. It's a daily argument over her hair. FYI: Just keep the hair short until they can take care of it themselves!
It was an amazing day. It was actually very low key and we ended up doing yardwork and things, but our worship and message at church just stayed with me.  I am so thankful and so glad that God chose to love me!


ginmommy said...

How old is Lauren?? She's 4, right? She's sooo tall, that it makes her look older. She's very cute ;)

Tracey said...

Adorable dress!!!! I love it that the doll needed to hear about Jesus, too! Precious.

Pre-made eggs...I will check that out next year!