Monday, March 8, 2010

Update on the Little Lady...

I really need to put some pictures up on here! Sorry I'm such a slacker....Ok, we had a neurology appointment today. I have to say that I love our neurologist. He listens! Today was her follow up to see how her medication was doing. Good news is the siezures are pretty much gone from what we can tell. Bad news is the side effects from the medication are causing issues. I know that every medication has side effects and I  am living in a dream world if I think that I can find one that is perfectly harmless. Lauren's personality seemed to alter slightly once we started this medication. She is very irritable and gets angry really easily. This is not at all our happy go lucky little girl. She complains of headaches and stomach pain daily and we have to force feed her half the time. Some days she is fine, but other days you have to bribe her.When your four year old is in the fetal position on her bed crying because her stomach hurts, you start to realize that this isn't normal. I went into the appointment thinking that we were going to have to live with this, but the Dr. listened to all the issues and suggested that we either lower her dosage of the current medication or switch her to one the has less side effects. For right now we are choosing to just lower her dosage and see if her side effects lessen at all. If it doesn't work, we have the other option. The tricky thing is trying to tell the difference between the problems.  It's kind of a guessing game right now to see which issues are medication induced and which ones are just due to the epilepsy. Epileptics suffer from headaches sometimes, but they can also be caused by medication. The same thing with the mood swings. It's hard to process the fact that even though we don't see the seizures anymore because of the anti-siezure med, she is still has epilepsy. The epilepsy is having it's own effects on her brain while we are just seeing the outward medication effects. I am very thankful to have options now, but feel a little overwhelmed. Cutting down her dosage means that there is a possiblity of her having siezures again until we get the dosage right...slightly scary. You know what, though?  We serve a God who is sovereign over all things. That is my comfort!


ginmommy said...

Awwwhh, that really makes my heart sad that you all have to face all this. You have a great attitude about it (and I'm sure you have your not good moments) I just wanted to say that I admire your strength :)

Tracey said...

Wow, Betsy, I will keep praying that she is healed of this! No one wants to see their child suffer and I can't imagine what you go thru. But, I'm thankful that you like your doc and that he listens to you!! I'm also thankful that we do serve a God who takes care of us!! :) Hang in there...